Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 12 - Make Every Minute Count

Highlights from Chapter 12

Secrets of Good Writers
*They think about their writing all the time
*Reread as they go
*Read the piece aloud to hear how it really sounds
*Read a lot - note what authors do
*Write every day
*Write in a quiet, organized setting
*Don't give up
*Don't always love to write but love having written
*Get feedback from other writers
*Write with their reader(s) in mind
*Be relentless about accuracy
*Revise as they go along
*Know a lot about their topic, or find out what they need to know
*Write to figure out what they want to say

Reduce the paper load - put more responsibility on the student

Be choosy about what you read (professional reading)

Eliminate (or reduce) daily worksheet and isolated excercises

Chapter 11 - Build on Best Practice and Research

Highlights from Chapter 11

*Write every day.
*Understand social context (share writing)
*Provide caring teachers (students will write more if they feel safe and valued)
*Professional Development
*Encourage both teacher and parent support
*Create predictable writing routines
*Provide support through conferences
*Keep test prep embedded in curriculum
*Emphasize writing as a process
*Provide choice, purpose, and audience
*Recognize writing's role beyond the classroom

Take responisbility for beoming an effective writing teacher

Adopt practices of highly effective teachers

You achieve what you believe

Develop a schoolwide vision

Chapter 10 - Make Assessment Count

Highlights from Chapter 10

Rubrics are a lot like checklists or guidelines (an evaluation tool)

Use 6 plus 1 trait writing

Do not use rubrics on every piece of writing

Make sure that writing is woven throughout the curriculum all year long so that when it comes time to do district or state writing it will be well written.

Self-evaluation is the missing piece in writing instruction.

Chapter 9 - Conference with Students

Conferencing with students can be to celebrate, validate, encourage, nudge, teach, assess, set goals, etc.

*Setting Goals

Wholeshare - formal conference done publicly

Quickshare - miniconference

Roving conference - on the run

One-on-One conferences

Chapter 8 - Organize for Daily Writing

Those who write every day in a regular planned writing session produce about twice the volume and twice the number of ideas as writers who write when they feel like it.

Provide more choice within meaning ful structure.

Pre-writing - generate, plan and organize ideas with the purpose of producing effective writing.

Do more freewrites.

Limit the use of graphic organizers. (Don't spend too much time before writing on this)

Have more conversations about writing.

Establish daily routines and model expected behavior.

Chapter 7 - The Essential Writing Day

Highlights from Chapter 7

Start writing with the whole picture and then go back in and teach the skills

Reduce isolated skills work

Make sure that students have a meaningful purpose and/or an audience to write to to get the best quality writing.

Save exemplary writing (with the students' permission) to use as models

Teach useful mini lessons as needs or situations arise in class

Keep min lessons short

Don't overemphasize correctness during writing - writing quality will decline. Focus on corrections after quality writing is produced

Raise you expectations for spelling - use everyday situations to talk about the importance of good spelling

Limit dictionary and thesaurus use - put them away until the editing stage

Chapter 6 - Capitalize on the Reading-Writing

Highlights from Chapter 6

Link writing with reading - integrate them when teaching

Begin teaching the reading/writing connection in kindergarten

Ensure students read quality materials

Students can revise better is they wait a day before rereading their writing

Written responses to reading that are beneficial to students:
book review
book blurbs
author profile
interview with an author
literature response
letter to an author
readers theatre script

Combine writing with science and social studies to "find time" for daily writing

Teach summary writing ( purpose of text, sequence of events, connecting new information with what one already know, put information into one's own words.